1 MWp Solar Project with Eastern Railway-Sealdah Division
The installation process is going on in multiple stations. More than 80% commissioning work has done in the year 2024 itself. Work remains in Bethuadahari and Ranaghat Railway Station premises. The Plants installed mono PERC solar cells of 1 MWp including all Stations. The project exerted total 1838 Solar PV cells of 540 kw in station areas. Solar cells and Inverters have been procured from SOVA SOLAR and POWER ONE accordingly.

The project is under progress. Hence, CUF data is yet to fetch. IoT based RMS of SOLARMAN is implemented monitored by Solarman Smart application for which User ID is tender@nitsuncraft.net and Password, Solar1234.

Sealdah division

1 MWp
