497 kWp rooftop On-Grid Solar Power Project with Eastern Railway
465 kWp and 32 kWp PV solar PV systems have been installed and commissioned at the rooftop of Kolkata Station and RPF Narkeldanga on 06.07.2018 and 02.03.2019 consecutively. The plants are in use of polycrystalline solar cells of 330 WP capacity. The project exerted total 1508 number of panels and nine Invertors of 50 Wp capacity, one of 40 WP and one of 30 WP capacity in both the site. Solar cells and Inverters were being procured from Websole Energy System Limited and INVT accordingly.

Average monthly CUF Generation is 11.33% at Kolkata Station and 9.31% at RPF Narkeldanga. IoT enabled Remote Monitoring System (RMS) of SOLARMAN has been integrated in all plants to track performance and operational hazards through Solarman Smart application if any.
User ID & Password:
Kolkata Station: User ID: guchaittanmay@gmail.com Password: Solar1234
RPF NKG: User ID: jishnuroy80@gmail.com Password: soalr123

Kolkata, West Bengal

497 kWp
